The end of BBC Ceefax
38 Years to say Goodbye
The world first teletext service ' Ceefax' has come to an end after 38 years of loyal service. It was called Ceefax because viewers would be able to ' see the facts' of any story of the day. Ceefax was developed by BBC engineers who wanted to find a way to enable viewers who were deaf to enjoy BBC programmes
Ceefax would give the latest updates what with what went on around the world, with sport, shows, music charts and eventually provided a detailed recipes to suit all types of audiences.
The audience peaked in the 1990s when it had around 20 million viewers in one week. When the national lottery launched in 1994 a lot of people , use to win from using the Ceefax service.
After the digital switch over , almost straight away there were stories about Ceefax closing down for good.
Harriet Harman who is the labours deputy head said ' Ceefax is a great national institution, and its sad to bid goodbye to a service which gave so many access to news, sport, TV listings and much else besides But with the end of one era comes the start of another as the digital switch-over is completed people can access more channels, and interactive services which are the successors of Ceefax."

My opinion - I think that the end of Ceefax is quite sad as I remember sitting with my grand-father checking plane numbers on Ceefax ,waiting to know what times relatives would be flying home. It was a loyal service for everything. With a new era of new and digital media, we have a better service with loads more access to loads more information.
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